Hi! Welcome to my little neocities website!

You can call me Tomimi! I've been making websites as a hobby for a while now and wanted to host one for my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon OCs in particular.

I play a solo-roleplay campaign using a custom system based on ICRPG to write the stories. Basically that means I modded a tabletop game to support PMD related things. So yeah, I'm currently writting transcripts for my sessions.

I'm not completely sure what I want to do with this site yet though. I guess I'll figure it out along the way


(2024/07/08) Wrote a little bit more of session 9.

(2024/07/06) Finished writting session 8. Added map to session 8 summary.

(2024/06/09) Added timeline to stories page (I'm incredibly proud of how it turned out!!).

(2024/05/27) Started writting session 8.

(2024/05/25) Finished writting session 7.

(2024/05/21) Added the glossary with the terms I use in my sessions. Added links page. Started writting session 7.

(2024/05/20) Finished writting session 6. Added moves and abilities to Pooch and Sky.

(2024/05/07) Added news section. Updated CSS. Updated session 6.

(2024/05/05) Created the first version of this website.

Things to do.