
Cute Charm
When you make contact with a non hostile creature you can choose to make a Charisma Check.
On a success the creature is attracted to you, all charisma checks against that creature are easy.
If you attack it or its allies then the attract effect ends.
Strong Tail
When you make a regular attack, the damage you deal is equal to your weapon effort instead of your basic effort.
Iron Tail
PP: 2
Target: A close creature
Make a Physical Attempt, on a success the target takes steel damage equal to twice your weapon effort.
Fake Out
PP: 2
Target: A near creature
Make a Physical Attempt, on a success the target takes normal damage equal to your weapon effort and is flinched for one turn.
This move can only be used once per combat.
Sky comes from a town far away to be part of the rescue guild. She is very strong and talented, and has big dreams. She is also very nice and friendly, she always puts herself in other pokemon shoes (even though she has never worn shoes).
She likes board games and comics. Her favorite berry is the chesto berry because CAFEINE. She is a little impatient and gets frustrated easily.